I limit my participation to sharing my DIY process IN DETAIL with a few individuals per calendar quarter. Many of the organizations and firms specializing in this area will give you the first hour at no charge but will charge you $9000 to $13,000 to move forward.
I have structured the sharing of my process and limited your cost as follows:
OUR INITIAL TIME TOGETHER: I charge a one-time fee of $375 for an in-depth 90-minute phone call in which I will share with you IN DETAIL the process I followed. This payment entitles you to one (1) phone call of up to 90 minutes where I will explain my ENTIRE process (including how I found and selected an attorney, how I identified the necessary documents, how I obtained those documents, how I identified and selected a certified translator, and more). I will also answer other questions you may have about my DIY process. There is no pressure to move forward and if you do choose to move forward YOU DO SO ON YOUR OWN with no additional payments to Ethical Resources. You could save up to $7000.
FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS: After our first 90-minute call, you can decide to move forward on your own or not to move forward. If you find you have more questions about my DIY process, I can spend more time with you for an additional charge of $200 which entitles you to answers for a maximum of 12 additional questions. These additional questions and answers would be handled via email. Questions beyond these additional 12 questions would be charged at the same rate in groups of 12 questions.
NEXT STEPS: If you wish to proceed, I can explain my Italian DIY Citizenship process IN DETAIL and answer your questions. We accept payment via PayPal or credit card (via PayPal). Please follow the prompts below to pay $375 and to leave your e-mail address in the contact information box below so that we can schedule a mutually convenient date and time for your initial 90-minute phone consultation.